by Rawan

5 Types of Meditation

November 3, 2021 | Tips

Have you ever wanted to start meditating but not sure how? We got you! You’re right it can get confusing and there’s so many different types of meditation, each serving different purposes and requiring different techniques. If you’re a beginner it may seem daunting, so we thought we’d help give you an idea of the different kinds to get you start your journey.

Here’s a little about 5 of the most popular types of meditation:

Mindfulness Meditation

This type of meditation, which originated from Buddhism, is the most popular meditation technique today. It is practiced by combining awareness and concentration. While focusing on an object or just on your breath, you then begin to observe your thoughts, feelings or bodily sensations. The purpose of mindfulness meditation is to just be aware of what is going on without criticizing it. It is important to not judge whatever comes up during your meditation. This type of meditation is convenient because it can be easily practiced alone with no guidance.

Best for: Easily practiced alone, helpful to stay present through conscious breath work

Daily Calm: 10min Mindful Meditation

Progressive Relaxation

This type focuses on releasing the tension in our bodies. It is commonly known as body scan meditation, and it is performed by focusing on each muscle group in your body at a time and noticing any tension. Usually, focusing from 20 seconds to a minute on each area would help you identify the tension. You may then release the tension in whichever way is appropriate like: stretching or other simple movements. This type of meditation is very good to practice before bedtime because it will help you release all the tension from your body and be ready for some good sleep.

Best for: Relaxation, stress release or if you need to slow down and get ready for bed.

Yoga Nidra: 20min Relaxation 

Mantra Meditation

This type of meditation involves repeating a certain sound, word or sentence to clear your mind. You can use a phrase that is generally positive like: ‘I am calm’ or ‘I am joyful’, or it can be a phrase that is specifically related to a goal you are trying to achieve. You are also free to change your mantra anytime to focus on different goals and emotions. Mantra meditation is known for increasing concentration and deepening your awareness level. The mantra can be said out-loud or as a whisper, depending on what you are comfortable with.

Best for: Focus and awareness, helps to channel a thought throughout the day.

Chopra: So Hum Meditation

Visualisation Meditation

This focuses on taking you to a more relaxed and peaceful state by visualising positive or calming images as vividly as you can and it’s open to your imagination. Color breathing, a popular visualisation meditation, involves assigning your breath a colour and imagining the colour travelling in and out your body as you breathe. You may choose any colour, as long as it makes you feel calm.Another example is by guided imagery, where you imagine your own version of ‘happy place’. You can deepen the experience even more by trying to involve as many of your senses as possible, for example: adding scent or sound to your vision.

Best for: Going down the rabbit hole and seeking more intuition

New Horizon: Colour Therapy Meditation

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Also known as Metta meditation, this type’s main purpose is to strengthen positive emotions, such as happiness, love and compassion, towards ourselves and others. It is a helpful tool if you hold back emotions often because it can help you redirect your emotions into a positive direction. It is performed in a similar way to mantra meditation, by saying kind/positive statements on a loop. You can start by using statements relating to you, such as “may I be happy and healthy”, and then extend it to your loved ones by thinking of a specific person and use positive statements for them, such as “may you be strong”.

Best for: Transforming your thoughts into positive emotions

Wise Mind Body: Loving Kindness Meditation 

About the author, Rawan


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